Fast goes Green

Welcome to the FastGas Party

You know our brand. It’s the fastest-moving N2O charger on the market. But fast doesn’t mean irresponsible. 

In fact, we will still be the best quality fastest-than-ever charger brand but we’ll do it green. 

Green light tells us GO!. Green light tells us that we should be proud of what we’re doing. Our production company donated to two massive non-profit organisations in the EU and the US this week. 

In case you missed it, last Monday was Earth Day and today is Arbor Day, a moment when the US comes together and plants trees. 

This is why Ramdon, the production company behind FastGas, contributed to One Tree Planted in Europe and TreePeople in the US for the planting of over 2000 trees across both continents. And we will continue to contribute regularly. 

While all FastGas cream canisters – from our biggest to our smallest – can be recycled efficiently, we wanted to do more. 

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Trees offset the production of greenhouse gases. A greener coverage means protection from drought, cleaner air, shade, protection from storm surge and flooding and contribute to the filtering of water. That’s a lot that can be achieved with so little. 

Protecting the planet is protecting ourselves at the end of the day. Doing business does not have to go counter to sustainability. In fact, we’re committed to doing both. 

Keep an eye out for more of our sustainability initiatives as we go ever faster and more conscientious.